Renowned actor cum director Radhakrishnan Parthiban on Wednesday announced that his upcoming Tamil directorial film "Iravin Nizhal" will be the Asia’s first 'single-shot film'.
Parthiban announced his next project with a poster on the occasion of New Year's Day.
R Parthiban said the film will be one of the few of its kind, and "Iravin Nizhal" will be Asia's first single-shot feature film.
However, the film director did not reveal anything more about his project. It is already known that Parthiban will also play the leading role.
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Parthiban's last directorial film was the critically acclaimed Tamil thriller "Oththa Seruppu Size 7". In the film, he featured as the only character in the film's frame.
The film is a novel and brave attempt in narrating a murder mystery through a middle-aged security guard who is interrogated as a murder suspect by the police. The experimental film has a very simple story but a knotted narrative.
Radhakrishnan Parthiban is an Indian film Actor, Director, Producer and Writer who works mainly in Tamil cinema. He has Directed 15 films, Produced 14 films and acted in more than 60 films and. He started his career as Assistant director for K.Bhagyaraj in 1984 and the duo worked in over 20 films from 1984 to 1991.
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