Rajinikanth's Tamil film is all set to cross the ₹300 crore mark at the domestic box office. The film earned ₹3.65 crore on its second Wednesday from all languages in India as per early estimates indicated by Sacnilk.com. The film now stands at ₹295.65 crore at the domestic box office.
Jailer was released on August 10, a day before Akshay Kumar's OMG 2 and Sunny Deol's Gadar 2. While Gadar 2 is leading, Jailer is in the second position. While Gadar 2 has crossed the ₹400 crore, Jailer is set to cross the ₹300 crore mark soon.
Jailer had opened 48.35 crore on a Thursday, even higher than Gadar 2 which opened a day later at ₹40 crore. Jailer went on to collect ₹235.85 crore in its first week but slowed down after its second weekend.
The Nelson Dilipkumar film has already become the second fastest Tamil film to cross ₹550 crore worldwide in 12 days. The fastest film was Rajinikanth's 2018 film 2.0 which had achieved the number in eight days of its release.