One of Bollywood's most talked about couples, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone, has stirred up a conversation once more after sharing images of the Janamashtami 'Griha Pravesh' puja ritual performed at their brand-new, luxurious Alibaug home.
Recently, the news has been gaining steam in the town as the couple bought a luxurious home in Alibaug, which is a beach town close to Mumbai.
The couple is seen doing a private 'Griha Pravesh' Puja for their immediate family members only at their home in Alibaug.
On their social media accounts, the Ram Leela couple posted some lovely and touching photos from the Griha Pravesh ceremony.
The bungalow owned by Ranveer and Deepika in Alibaug is said to have cost Rs 22 crore. On September 13, the pair were seen completing the formalities at the local registrar's office in Alibaug.
According to sources, the couple’s home is a 2.25-acre mansion in Alibaug with 18,000 square feet of built-up space. The five-bedroom, two-bathroom, and kitchen bungalow is located in the Mapgaon village on 9,000 square metres (sq m) of land.
This will serve as Deepika and Ranveer's vacation or second house.
Deepika and Ranveer are currently residing in a high-rise in the Prabhadevi area of Mumbai.
On the work front, the couple last starred together in Kabir Khan's 83. This is their first movie together after getting married.