Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone have collaborated together again. However, it is possible that it will not be for a film. Ranveer Singh took to Instagram on Sunday (July 2) to share a brief video from their new project, which appears to be a cinematic ad for some business. It features Ranveer as a detective and Deepika as a lady searching for her missing spouse.
The video starts with Deepika in a police station, filing a report about her missing spouse. She appears concerned and solemn. Ranveer, meanwhile, goes into action after learning of a task. There is also a brief appearance of 'Chellum Sir' from Family Man. In addition, we witness Ram Charan chasing a guy and Trisha Krishnan outside a police station. Finally, Ranveer is shown roughhousing a man and demanding that he talk.
Sharing the video, Ranveer wrote in the caption, “Unveil the Secret! @showme.the.secret. Stay tuned for the big reveal! #Showmethesecret.” Fans of the couple are hoping it is a full-fledged movie. “Don't tell me it's an ad,” wrote a fan. “I hope this is not some meesho ad,” wrote another. “Even without a single scene together, you guys have better chemistry than Alia Ranveer,” wrote another.
Ranveer will next be seen in Karan Johar's Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahani. Alia Bhatt, Dharmendra, Shabana Azmi, and Jaya Bachchan also appear. It will be available on July 28th.