Ravi Teja's latest film "Eagle" has soared to success, grossing nearly Rs 12 crore worldwide on its opening day. The film directed by Karthik Gattamneni, hit theaters on February 9 garnering attention with a substantial opening day collection.
As reported, "Eagle" earned over Rs 6 crore nett in India alone, showcasing its popularity across the country. The film's overall worldwide gross includes ₹6.1 crore in Telugu and Rs 10 lakh in Hindi, reflecting its widespread appeal in different language markets.
Trade analyst Ramesh Bala shared the impressive figures on social media, announcing the film's double-digit success globally. In a post on X (formerly Twitter) he declared, "The blasting blockbuster is off to a flying start. Eagle grosses Rs 11.9 crore worldwide on day 1, and begins the second day on a ‘great note’ all over. A great weekend on cards."
The film's director Karthik Gattamneni contributed to its success with a well-received storyline and direction, attracting audiences to theaters. Ravi Teja's presence as the lead also played a significant role in drawing viewers.
"Eagle" is now poised for a promising weekend with the stellar performance on its opening day setting the stage for continued success at the box office. As audiences embrace the film, its strong start indicates a positive trajectory for the days to come.