Sam Mercer, the renowned American film producer known for his collaborations with director Manoj Night Shyamalan including the iconic film 'The Sixth Sense', has died at the age of 69. Mercer passed away at his South Pasadena home after battling younger-onset Alzheimer's disease, as confirmed by his wife, Tegan Jones.
Mercer's contributions to the film industry were significant, particularly his work with Shyamalan on multiple supernatural horror films. He began his Hollywood production journey with the sci-fi action-adventure 'Congo'.
In an emotional tribute, Shyamalan reflected on his long-term partnership with Mercer, spanning over eight films, including 'The Sixth Sense', 'Unbreakable', 'Signs', and 'Devil'. Shyamalan emphasized Mercer's influence on him, stating, "He taught me that the culture of a set comes from the top down."
Recalling Mercer's work ethic and personal connection on set, Shyamalan highlighted his kindness, grace under pressure, and ability to foster a familial atmosphere during productions. Mercer's impact extended beyond Shyamalan's projects, as evidenced by Ricky Staub, who directed 'Concrete Cowboy', expressing gratitude for Mercer's transformative influence on his career.
Throughout his career, Mercer produced a diverse range of films, including 'Van Helsing', 'Jarhead', 'Snow White and the Huntsman', and 'The BFG'. His legacy is celebrated not only through his cinematic contributions but also through the profound personal connections he formed with colleagues and collaborators.
Sam Mercer is survived by his wife Tegan and children, Miles and Sierra, leaving behind a rich legacy in the world of filmmaking.