On February 9, the most recent Malayalam film, "Premalu," hit theaters. SS Karthikeya, son of filmmaker SS Rajmouli, took up the film's Telugu dubbing rights. After then, the director went to a celebration of the film's success in Hyderabad. He discussed the Malayalam film business there and acknowledged feeling "jealous" of them.
SS Rajamouli claimed that despite not being a fan of the romantic comedy genre, he was pleasantly surprised by the movie. "It's meant to be watched in theaters because it's hilarious; when the people next to you laugh, you enjoy it more," he remarked, giving credit to Aditya, the writer who created the Telugu dialogue for the movie.
Additionally, he said, "It is with jealousy and pain that I admit the Malayalam film industry produces better actors. In this film too, they did a fantastic job." Rajamouli also compared Mamitha Baiju to Sai Pallavi and Geethanjali. He continued, "I think she has potential, and I see a lot of love for her."
TSuperstar Mahesh Babu of Telugu recently saw the Malayalam blockbuster "Premalu" and expressed his "thrurough enjoyment" of it. He expressed his gratitude to SS Karthikeya, the son of SS Rajamouli, via X (formerly Twitter), for the release of the Telugu dubbing of the movie. He complimented and bestowed great respect for the 'Premalu' crew.
His post read, "Thank you @ssk1122 for bringing #Premalu to the Telugu audience. Thoroughly enjoyed it. Can't remember the last time when I laughed so much while watching a film... The entire family loved it. Top class acting by all the youngsters. Congratulations to the entire team!! (sic)."
Here is the tariler:
Girish AD is the writer and director of the romantic comedy film "Premalu" in Malayalam. Producing the movie together are Syam Pushkaran, Dileesh Pothan, and Fahadh Faasil. The film stars Naslen K. Gafoor, Mathew Thomas, Mamitha Baiju, and Shyam Mohan in the key roles.
"Premalu" opened in theaters on February 9 and is presently showing in a few select Indian theaters. Following positive reviews, "Premalu" made over Rs 100 crore at the box office and is shortly expected to rank among the top three highest-grossing Malayalam films.