Stree 2, directed by Amar Kaushik and starring Rajkummar Rao and Shraddha Kapoor, has broken past the Rs 525 crore milestone at the domestic box office. The horror-comedy, continuing its successful run, is now in close contention to surpass the Hindi net collection of Shah Rukh Khan's blockbuster Jawan, which stands at Rs 555.50 crore.
On its 23rd day, Stree 2 added Rs 3 crore to its total, following a stellar fourth weekend of Rs 23.50 crore. The movie, which also stars Pankaj Tripathi, Aparshakti Khurrana, Abhishek Banerjee, Tamannaah Bhatia, and Akshay Kumar, is maintaining its momentum, with analysts predicting it may soon emerge as the top Hindi-language industry hit.
The film’s strong performance has been aided by the lack of major competition until the release of Devara on September 27, along with the potential boost from National Cinema Day on September 20. With three weeks left, Stree 2 aims to hit a massive Rs 800 crore globally by the end of its theatrical run.
The movie is a sequel to 2018's Stree and continues the story with a new supernatural entity, Sar-Kata, who abducts women with modern beliefs. Vicky (Rao) and his friends reunite to battle this new threat, with the help of a mysterious woman played by Kapoor.