Tamil film producer Dilli Babu, known for backing several critically acclaimed films, passed away in the early hours of September 9. He was 50. Sources close to the family revealed that Babu, who had been admitted to a private hospital due to an illness, died at around 12:30 am. His sudden demise has left the Tamil film industry in shock.
The producer’s body will be brought to his residence in Perungalathur, Chennai, at 10:30 am today for homage, with his funeral scheduled to take place at 4:30 pm.
Several prominent figures in the industry expressed their grief. Producer SR Prabhu of Dream Warrior Pictures shared his condolences, saying, "Deeply saddened by the loss of producer Dilli Babu. So many young and new talents were supported by him. A big loss to the film industry."
Director ARK Saravan of Maragadha Naanayam fame, one of the films bankrolled by Dilli Babu, posted a moving tribute, thanking the late producer for giving him his break in the industry.
Dilli Babu was the founder of Axess Film Factory, through which he produced successful films such as Ratsasan and Maragadha Naanayam. His debut as a producer came in 2015 with Urumeen. Over the years, his production house released hit films like Iravukku Aayiram Kangal, Oh My Kadavule, and Bachelor.
Several Tamil film projects under his banner are currently in various stages of development.