Thalapathy Vijay's latest release, The Greatest of All Time (GOAT), directed by Venkat Prabhu, is on track to breach the Rs 350 crore mark globally. The spy thriller, which hit theatres on September 5, has already crossed Rs 300 crore in just five days. On September 10, the film earned Rs 10.50 crore (nett) in India, taking its domestic total to Rs 162.25 crore (nett) within six days.
Despite a slight decline in collections since Monday, GOAT maintained a strong 33.43% occupancy in its Tamil version on September 10. The film is expected to pick up pace again during its second weekend. In Tamil Nadu alone, GOAT has grossed Rs 134 crore and is on track to break several records in the state by the end of the second weekend.
GOAT is an espionage spy thriller that sees Vijay playing dual roles. The film also features prominent actors such as Prashanth, Prabhudheva, Ajmal Ameer, Mohan, Jayaram, Sneha, Laila, and Meenakshi Chaudhary. Trisha and Sivakarthikeyan make cameo appearances. Produced by AGS Entertainment, the film was made with a massive budget of Rs 380 crore.
With GOAT inching closer to challenging the box office records of films like Vikram, Jailer, Ponniyin Selvan: Part 1, and Leo, all eyes are on its second weekend performance. The film's success could solidify its place among the highest-grossing Tamil films.