Guwahati Police have launched a manhunt for Assamese actress Sumi Bora in connection with a money trading scam. This follows the arrest of Vishal Phukan, a 22-year-old accused of misappropriating crores of rupees.
A raid was conducted at a flat in Beltala, Guwahati, but Bora was not found. Police suspect she fled after Phukan's arrest, as her phone is switched off.
Phukan, who allegedly promised investors a 30% profit within 60 days through stock market investments, was arrested after a lengthy interrogation. His operations reportedly included luxurious spending, such as financing a high-profile destination wedding in Rajasthan and booking luxury hotels in Dubai.
Police believe Phukan spent over Rs 1 crore on his cousin Sumi Bora's wedding. His arrest is part of a broader investigation into financial fraud, similar to the case involving Dipankar Barman.
After Phukan's arrest, police raided his flat in Dibrugarh's Prabanjali Apartment, seizing laptops and bags, though specific details have not been disclosed.
A search at Bora's house in Banipur, Dibrugarh, was hindered by poor lighting. At 22, Phukan owned three companies and led an extravagant lifestyle, including frequent trips to Dubai, luxury vehicles, and a high-profile social media presence.
He also dabbled in music, appearing in music videos. After his arrest, Phukan underwent a medical check-up and is expected to be produced in court today. Police have not released further information on the interrogation or case developments.
The arrest and investigation have drawn public attention, especially due to Phukan's lavish lifestyle and Bora's involvement in the Assamese entertainment industry.