In an unusual trend, influencer Cheng Wing Yee, known as @kiaraakitty, has started selling jars filled with her own farts for £237 or approximately Rs 24,820.
She claims the jars can retain the aroma for up to 30 days after opening. Despite the oddity of the product, all jars have sold out. In addition to the fart jars, Yee also sells other peculiar items such as her worn lingerie and used bathwater.
This follows a similar trend in 2022 when Twitch streamer, Amouranth, sold her 'scent jars' for £791(Rs 82,943) each. Stephanie Matto, a reality TV star, also claimed to earn up to £38,000 (Rs 39,84,627) per week from selling her farts.
However, her business took a hit when her diet led to severe gas pain, causing symptoms similar to a heart attack.
So, if you have ever wondered what an influencer’s fart smells like or had the urge to own a jar of such uniqueness, Kiaraakitty has got you covered – for a price. The internet continues to surprise us with its quirks, and in this case, it’s a whiff of something quite unexpected.
This is not the first time somebody has sold their farts. In 2022, popular Twitch streamer, Amouranth, ventured into the unique business of selling her “scent jars” under the brand Cutie-Pa-TOOT-ies, priced at a staggering £791(Rs 82,943) each.
Stephanie Matto, known for her appearance on 90 Day Fiance and adult content creation, claimed to rake in up to £38,000 (Rs 39,84,627) per week from selling her own farts. Speaking to Rolling Stone, she explained that people are drawn to the concept of spending a significant amount of money, describing it as a form of financial domination, especially appealing to many men.
However, she faced an unexpected twist when her fart-inducing diet led to severe gas pain, resulting in symptoms akin to a heart attack. A surprising turn in her unconventional business journey.