Instagram announced a groundbreaking initiative on Tuesday, introducing specialised accounts for teenage users with built-in privacy safeguards. This marks the first time in the platform's history that it has created age-specific accounts.
The new "Teen Accounts" will automatically apply to all Instagram users under 18, affecting tens of millions of existing and new users. These accounts come with default settings that require parental permission for users under 16 to modify their account settings.
Key features of Teen Accounts include:
1. Private accounts by default
2. Restricted messaging to only followers
3. Age-appropriate content filtering
4. Automatic "sleep mode" from 10 pm to 7 am
5. Parental supervision tools
The move aims to address growing concerns about teen safety and well-being on social media platforms. Instagram has implemented measures to prevent users from lying about their age, including age verification technology and restrictions on creating multiple accounts with different birthdates from the same device.
While these changes represent a significant step towards protecting young users online, questions remain about their effectiveness in real-world scenarios. The success of these measures will largely depend on user compliance and the platform's ability to enforce the new rules consistently.