Thailand Seeks Malaysia’s Help to Find Rohingya Muslims who Fled from Detention Centre

Thailand Seeks Malaysia’s Help to Find Rohingya Muslims who Fled from Detention Centre

India TodayNE
  • Jan 10, 2020,
  • Updated Jan 10, 2020, 1:43 AM IST

New Delhi, January 10, 2020:

Thailand has sought Malaysia’s aid in tracing a group of Rohingya Muslim trafficking victims who have absconded from a detention centre located in its Songkhla province.

Thailand’s Immigration Police unit said that they were coordinating with the Malaysian authorities to help find seventeen Rohingya Muslims who escaped from the dention centre located 5 km away from the Thailand-Malaysia border.

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Nineteen Rohingya Muslims, reportedly, had escaped from the detention centre on Wednesday. According to Thai Police, the group was a part of some 40 Rohingya Muslims, identified as victims of human traffickers. Two out of the nineteen were caught.

It may be mentioned here that the group of 40 were caught by the Thai Police while they were on their way to Malaysia and detained them at the detention centre until they are deported. However, nineteen out of the 40 escaped using a piece of cloth to climb down from its third floor window, of which two were caught.

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Meanwhile, neighboring Bangladesh and India are also planning deportation of Rohingyas who had fled Myanmar, following ethnic cleansing in the Buddhist state of Rakhine. It may be mentioned here that Myanmar treats Rohingyas as illegal migrants. More than 700,000 Rohingya had fled to Bangladesh since a 2017 crackdown by the Myanmar army, according to UN agencies.

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