Twitter, also known as X, is set to introduce a fee for new users. The announcement was made by Elon Musk, who revealed that new users would need to pay a nominal charge to access features such as liking, posting, replying, and bookmarking tweets.
The change was first noticed by X daily news, an account that regularly posts updates about X. The account observed a revision in the website's textual content indicating the imposition of a yearly charge on new users. The policy, which was previously active in New Zealand and the Philippines, was designed to reduce spam and improve user experience.
Musk responded to the update by stating that charging new users was necessary to curb the surge of bots. He also expressed concern over the occupation of good handles by fake accounts. However, Musk did not provide details on how X plans to prevent fake accounts and bots, leading to speculation that spammers might simply pay the fee or create multiple accounts.
The fee is believed to be around $1, given that it is $1.75 in New Zealand. Currently, this payment policy is only in effect in New Zealand and the Philippines. Musk has frequently voiced his concerns over spam and bot accounts on Twitter, highlighting the need for transparency in user metrics. He has expressed his belief that Twitter's advertising-based model contributes to the prevalence of inauthentic accounts and could potentially inflate reported user numbers, misleading advertisers and investors.