The Central Election Committee of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) on Thursday released its first list of candidates consisting of 182 names for the Lok Sabha Elections.
For the single Lok Sabha seat in Mizoram, the BJP has selected Nirupam Chakma for the ST seat.
In regards to Manipur, H Shokhopao Mate (Benjamin) will contest the Outer Manipur (ST) Constituency while K K Ranjan Singh will fight from Inner Manipur.
From Tripura, the BJP party has selected Rebati Mohan Das from Tripura West and Pratima Bhaumik from Tripura East (ST).
Meanwhile, Laten Tshering Sherpa has been chosen as the BJP candidate to contest the election from Sikkim.
The party is yet to announce candidates for Meghalaya and Nagaland.
Most of the candidates from Assam and those of Arunachal Pradesh have also been declared by the saffron party.