Chief Minister N Biren Singh rejected a proposal for a separate government for the northeastern state's Kuki-dominated regions made by 10 MLAs, including seven from the ruling BJP, stressing that "the territorial integrity of Manipur will be protected."
The chief minister, who flew to Delhi to meet with Union Home Minister Amit Shah, said steps are being taken to ensure that militants who signed the 'Suspension of Operations' agreement return to their allocated camps.
Singh also urged people not to conduct 'dharnas' or rallies in light of the state's sensitive situation following race disturbances between the majority Meiteis and the Kukis earlier this month. He also stated that no force would be employed to dismantle the blockades erected by some organisations on state highways in the aftermath of the violence, but that "efforts would be made to reason with these demonstrators."
Also Read: Manipur: MHA to take action against state militant groups for possessing illegal weapons
"I assure the people that the territorial integrity of Manipur will be protected at all costs," the chief minister said during a news conference here. "Measures are being taken under the supervision of Union Home Minister Amit Shah to return the SoO (Suspension of Operations) groups to their camps and to strengthen efforts to restore normalcy to the state," he added.
Singh stated that he and his ministers, who accompanied him to Delhi, informed Shah about the state's current condition and "conveyed to the sentiments of the people of Manipur on the situation," as well as intelligence "on the involvement of armed militants in the recent violence."
When asked about the demand of ten MLAs for a separate government for Kuki parts of the state, he stated, "There is no threat to Manipur's integrity."
Ten tribal MLAs from Manipur's Chin-Kuki-Mizo-Zomi group have petitioned the Centre to provide their territory "separate administration" in the aftermath of recent deadly conflicts between Meiteis and tribals. In response to a question concerning Kuki militants' involvement in the violence, Singh stated, "Army and other security personnel are visiting designated camps of Kuki militants who are part of the 'Suspension of Operation' pact and checking whether they are present or not."
"Several innocent people were killed, and property was damaged." "Our priority is to rehabilitate and resettle affected people," he stated. The chief minister further stated that his government's first objective is to restore peace and normality in the state. He also directed deputy commissioners and police chiefs in several districts to guarantee that the properties of individuals who fled their houses as a result of the violence were not plundered.