In a combine search operation led by the team of Moreh police station and CID technical team at Kondong Lairembi check post seized 55 gms of brown sugar valued Rs.11 lakhs on friday. The team arrested the two accused Silver Lunglo (30 yrs), son of (L) Joseph Lunglo of Lambui and Ukhrul Districtand Awungshi Shangreiyo Zimik (31 yrs), son of AS Wungnaohei Zimik. The drug was brought in four soap caps, concealed among the apples in a carton. A case has been registered against the two at Moreh police station.
Meanwhile, another team of the Narcotic Cell seized four kilograms of opium from Kwakta, Ward No. 7, Bishnupur District. The arrested is identified as Md. Nashir Khan (25 years), son of Md. Mehrudin Khan along with one Dio Scooter and two mobile handsets from the possession at Dingku Road near Khuman Lampak Stadium Gate no. 2, Imphal. The accused will be handed over to office-in-charge Imphal Police for necessary action.