Manipur Police have formally registered a First Information Report (FIR) against three prominent figures: two assistant professors from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) and a Retired Colonel from the Indian Army.
The action followed accusations by the Federation of Haomee (FoH) that they have promoted false and misleading history about Manipur in their publications.
The complaint, lodged by Yazing Vicisy, Secretary-General of FoH, Dr. K. Heera Kabui, Vice President of FoH, and Sapam Cha Jadumani, President of FoH, highlighted that Jangkhomang Guite and Thongkholal Haokip, both assistant professors at JNU, co-edited the book titled ‘The Anglo-Kuki War, 1917 – 1919 – A Frontier Uprising Against Imperialism During The First World War’.
Additionally, Retd. Col. Dr. Vijay Chenji authored 'The Anglo Kuki War'. Both works allegedly present a fictitious conflict named the ‘Anglo-Kuki War’, which, according to the FoH, never transpired.
The FoH has fervently asserted that there was no record of an 'Anglo Kuki War' in either Manipuri or British history. They claim what some describe as a war was merely an armed revolt, primarily driven by the Kuki Tribes resisting the LabourCorps recruitment.
Referring to official documents, the complaint cites the Administration Report of the Manipur State for 1917-1918, stating, “It is clearly stated in the Administration Report of the Manipur State for the year 1917-1918 paged 2 column 5 that it was not a Kuki-Rebellion but massacred of Nagas, Koms of the hills and Meeteis & Mahomedans of the valley”.
The three authors now face charges under sections 120, 121, 123, 153-A, and 200 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).