Amidst escalating ethnic tensions in Manipur, MLAs Raj Kuma Imo and Th Shyamkumar, alongside 20 NDA legislators, embarked on a crucial journey to Delhi today. The delegation, spearheaded by Imo, son-in-law of Manipur CM N Biren Singh highlighted the urgency of their mission.
"We have initiated discussions to address the underlying ethnic conflict in Manipur," Imo stated. "Our primary objective is to secure an audience with the Prime Minister to apprise him of the gravity of the situation and to seek his intervention in restoring peace and normalcy in our state."
Imo expressed concern over the spread of misinformation and urged the public to rely on verified information. "Rumors can exacerbate an already delicate situation. We urge everyone to wait for verified facts," he said.
The delegation plans to present a detailed charter of demands to the Union government, focusing on critical issues affecting Manipur's stability and communal harmony.