The Manipur government has said the National Investigation Agency (NIA) will probe into the missing arms case, in which 56 pistols disappeared from the police headquarters over a period of four years. Chief Minister N Biren Singh has said a letter has been sent to NIA on Friday, after the incident came to light. N Biren Singh, who also holds charge of the Home Department, further said that 56 auto 9 mm pistols along with 58 magazines were found missing from the state police headquarters, Arms Kote of 2nd Manipur Rifles, Imphal, between 2014 and 2018. He also said that two employees of the 2nd MR were arrested on Friday in connection with the case.
In 2016, four persons were arrested and one 9 mm auto pistol along with three magazines were seized from them which could be connected to the missing weapons case from the Arms Kote of 2nd MR, the CM added.