A shocking incident took place at a relief camp located in Thanga Wangma High School, under Bishnupur district on May 8, at around 8 am wherein two unidentified assailants arrived on a two-wheeler vehicle and opened fire.
They allegedly targeted a victim, identified as Sawaijam Dhanabir Meitei, 28 years old, son of Sawaijam Rajen Meitei. He sustained a bullet injury and was immediately rushed to Raj Medicity.
The relief camp falls under the jurisdiction of the Moirang police station. As per reliable source, the miscreants had fired bullets to the victim. Sawaijam Dhanabir Meitei has been seeking shelter in relief camp along with his parents.
The victims hails from Yaiphakol Meitei Leikai, in Churchanpur district.
The motive behind the attack and the identity of the assailants remains unknown at this point.
The Moirang police have launched a thorough probe into the matter to apprehend the perpetrators and ensure justice for the victim and his family.
The incident has sent shockwaves within the community. The safety and security of those seeking refuge has become a matter of concern and necessity of taking swift action to prevent such heinous crimes from recurring in the future.