Shiv Sena (UBT) chief Uddhav Thackeray expressed his concern on Thursday, remarking that had President Droupadi Murmu spoken out following the Manipur incident, subsequent crimes against women might have been prevented. Thackeray's comments came in response to the President's statement condemning the rising violence against women.
President Murmu, earlier on August 29 said that "enough is enough," urging the nation to confront the mindset that devalues women. Referring to the recent rape and murder of a junior doctor in Kolkata, the President emphasized the need for society to protect women from such atrocities.
Reacting to these remarks, Thackeray said, "It is good that the President has finally expressed her emotions, but if she had spoken up earlier, particularly after the Manipur incident, further such crimes might not have occurred." Thackeray alluded to a disturbing incident in May 2023, where two women were stripped and paraded by a mob in Manipur—a video of which surfaced months later, causing nationwide outrage.
The former Maharashtra Chief Minister also criticized the BJP, accusing his former ally of employing divisive tactics reminiscent of British-era policies. Thackeray highlighted the delay in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's response to the Manipur unrest and questioned whether he would address recent incidents of sexual violence in Maharashtra and West Bengal during his upcoming visit to the state.
Thackeray further called for the implementation of a 'Shakti law,' advocating for stringent punishments for crimes against women, including the death penalty. He expressed concern, however, over the effectiveness of current laws, stating, "What good are strong laws if those who enforce them are goons?"