In a significant political move, BJP candidate Thounaojam Basanta Kumar Singh filed his nomination at Imphal West DC Complex today (March 27).
Thounaojam Basanta Kumar Singh, aged 59, hails from a politically esteemed family, being the son of former Union Minister Thounaojam Chaoba Singh.
The filing of his nomination took place today at the Imphal West DC Complex, signaling the commencement of his electoral campaign. With this move, Singh officially enters the fray for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, slated to be held in the Inner Manipur constituency.
The BJP's decision to field Thounaojam Basanta Kumar Singh underscores its strategic repositioning for the crucial Lok Sabha seat. As a seasoned politician and a prominent figure in Manipur's legislative affairs, Singh's candidacy is poised to draw attention and stir anticipation among voters.