Hayithung Bill Lotha, National Secretary, ST Morcha, BJP, has high praise for Meghalaya CM Conrad Sangma, who he believes has been instrumental in stalling the controversial Citizenship (Amendment) Bill 2016 in the Rajya Sabha. Sangma also met Home Minister Rajnath Singh and assured of the Minister's "positive signal" regarding the issue of the Bill.
Lotha stated that Sangma is being “unanimously and overwhelmingly hailed as an iconic NE hero”, due to his contribution in thwarting the Bill, which is not among the listed Bills to be raised during the current Rajya Sabha session.
Lotha also added that ever since the Bill was passed at the Lok Sabha, Sabha, Sangma was “dynamically instrumental- heart and soul to mobilize against it” and further added that Sangma is “a most loved and darling of the masses.”
The BJP National Secretary also hailed Sangma for taking the issue of the Citizenship (Amendment) Bill 2016 to the core BJP administration Ministers in Delhi such as Home Minister Rajnath Singh.