After Meghalaya launched its own Over-The-Top (OTT) platform, 'Hello Meghalaya' on July 11, Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma said that the idea is to create value and a dynamic economy, aiming for these efforts to translate into livelihood opportunities and overall benefits."
He said, "It is not about showcasing talent. Yes, we have talent and we should showcase it. But how does this talent convert into livelihood? How does this livelihood convert into different earnings for people?"
He exalted that the 'Hello Meghalaya' platform will ensure collaboration with the industry, following which an industrial system will be achieved.
CM Sangma stated how the aim is to create a music economy and a movie economy.
Furthermore, he expressed the need for the OTT platform to "ensure that while we invest in all of this for the youth, music and sports, a livelihood is created which also affects the economy."
He added, "I just wanted to let you know that these are all factors that have come into our thought process while we continue planning all of this."
Earlier, after the launch Chief Minister Conrad Sangma hailed the platform as a groundbreaking initiative, providing filmmakers, content creators, and musicians with a dedicated space to showcase their work. The government is offering substantial financial incentives to encourage participation and quality content production.
Filmmakers can receive up to Rs 5 lakh per film, with additional funding available for projects that gain national or international recognition. Content creators stand to earn Rs 18,000 monthly for maximum uploads, with the potential for increased earnings based on view counts. The platform also caters to short video and short film producers.