Meghalaya Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma on Sunday, May 20 morning inspected the ruins of the Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian Girls Higher Secondary School damaged in a major fire.
After the inspection, the CM announced that Rs 1 Crore will be given through the Chief Minister’s Special Development Fund to rebuild the school.
“Devastated to see the ruins from the fire incident at Khasi Jaiñtia Presbyterian Girls’ Hr. Sec. School…The school has a very special connect with the community and stood tall for over 130 years. This is a very personal loss to the people”, said CM Conrad.
The Chief Minister during the inspection has interacted with the students, community members and Teachers during the inspection.
In the early hours of Sunday, a devastating fire broke out at Khasi Jaiñtia Presbyterian Girls’ Higher Secondary School, resulting in the complete destruction of the institution.
Also read : Meghalaya’s iconic Khasi Jaintia Presbyterian school building gutted in major fire