Urban Affairs Minister Sniawbhalang Dhar, on August 17, said that the delay in the implementation of smart road projects is attributed to the coordination challenges among multiple state departments.
''The sluggish progress in executing the smart road within the smart city project is a result of the difficulties encountered in relocating utilities owned by various departments, such as PHE pipelines and MeECL electricity poles,'' he said while speaking to reporters.
He further emphasized that the overall implementation of the smart city project has been satisfactory, with the exception of the smart road project.
The Minister also highlighted the successful completion of several projects, including the Laitumkhrah Market, and the near-completed Polo Market, scheduled for inauguration in September.
''About 18 ongoing projects within the city, collectively valued at over 1000 crores,'' Dhar disclosed.
It is worth mentioning that on August 1, the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) listed Shillong among the 10 poorest performers in terms of smart city project implementation.
The other nine cities in the lowest-performing category are Aizawl, Amaravati, Diu, Greater Warangal, Guwahati, Imphal, Kavaratti, Port Blair, and Puducherry.