Meghalaya Police arrested Saidin Ali, accused of stabbing 23-year-old Deva Kharkongor in Shillong’s ADA Centre area near Gol Building on January 1. The arrest came after a chase by Jhalupara Police, officials confirmed.
The attack, described by the victim’s family as an “attempt to murder,” occurred around 9:38 pm. According to a complaint filed by the victim’s mother, Mera Kharkongor, Saidin Ali allegedly stabbed Deva with a pair of scissors, causing severe injuries to his left rib and right eye. The incident reportedly caused significant damage, leaving the victim in critical condition.
Deva Kharkongor, a resident of Nongsohphoh, was immediately rushed to NEIGRIHMS for medical treatment following the assault. The attack took place in the Shillong cantonment area, adding to concerns about public safety in the vicinity.
The victim’s mother, who resides in Naspatiighari, has called for a thorough investigation into the matter. Authorities have assured that the case is being treated with urgency and appropriate legal action will follow.