The Laitumkhrah police have arrested the second accused allegedly involved in the recent rape case in Malki, Shillong. The suspect, Kitbok Reuben Mawthoh, had been absconding since Saturday but was caught in Smit on September 2.
Reportedly, the arrest was made around 2:00 am. Mawthoh was the second suspect named in the FIR lodged at the Laitumkhrah police station regarding the assault.
Earlier, authorities had arrested 19-year-old Andy Malngiang in connection with the crime. Malngiang has been placed in 14-day judicial custody and charged under Sections 351(3) and 70(1) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita (BNS) of 2023.
The victim filed the complaint on the night of the incident, prompting swift action by the Laitumkhrah Police.