The Meghalaya police conducted raids across Shillong, seizing 170 litres of illicit liquor, aiming to crack down on illegal activities within the city.
In an attempt to combat the sale and use of liquor in the city, the East Khasi Hills district police held a series of coordinated vice raids on September 6, covering areas from Sadar, Police Bazar, and Polo to Mawblei and Madanrting.
The Superintendent of Police (SP), Sylvester Nongtnger informed that 70 litres of Indian-made foreign liquor (IMFL) was seized along with 100 litres of illicit country-made liquor.
Following the sizure, the police has initiated an investigation and further details are underway.
Furthermore, it was informed that rowdy elements were also acted against by the police team to ensure safe roads for the public.
The SP added that the East Khasi Hills district police aims to ensure safety, security and peace for the residents following which it will continue its drive against the sale of illicit liquor.