Mizoram Chief Minister Lal Thanhawla on Monday informed the Assembly that the talks to be held in New Delhi tomorrow between chief secretaries of Assam and Mizoram would not touch the border dispute between the two states. Lal Thanhawla said that state chief secretary Arvind Ray would talk about the reported atrocities committed by the Assam Police personnel on Mizo students and reporters on March eight and ten. The meeting, to be chaired by union home secretary and attended by home ministry officials and chief secretaries of the two states, has been convened by Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh. The border dispute erupted in the wake of protests by Mizo students, which turned violent recently as Mizo Zirlai Pawl tried to construct a rest house on NH 154 near the border on February 27 on land owned by the first state chief minister Ch Chhunga at Zophai area near Mizoram-Assam border area.