Mizoram Inspector General of Police John Neihlaia said that the accused Rodinliana alias Apuia Tochhawng had put up a post on different Facebook groups utilized by the local people with a fake account where he purportedly debilitated to kill the Chief Minister if he did not leave within three months.
The fake account, which goes by the title ‘Thingtlang Pa’, was explored by the cybercrime police and inevitably found that it belonged to Rodinliana, a permanent resident of Khawzawl town within the eastern part of the state, who is presently dwelling at Chanmari West locality in Aizawl.
Neiklaia said He was captured on Sunday and booked under diverse sections of the IPC.
No weapon was recouped from the accused, said the senior police officer.
The accused had also been captured in 2018 for composing a provocative and threatening letter to previous chief minister Lal Thanhawla.
In his media post, which he shared on different Facebook groups, the denounced had said that they have contracted a snipper to kill the chief minister.
He had denounced the chief Minister of a lier and totally appropriated the state’s yearly budget for his personal gain.
The denounced had debilitated that they gave a three-month period to the chief minister to tender resignation failing which his life would be in peril.