The Inspector General of Police (IGP) of Border Security Force (BSF) in Mizoram and Cachar, Binay Kumar Jha, on October 18 called on the Mizoram Governor, Hari Babu Kambhampati, at the Raj Bhavan.
During the meeting, Jha apprised the Governor of the role and duties of BSF in the protection of the border area and maintaining peace and stability along the border.
The Mizoram Governor thanked the IGP and his officers, including the BSF jawans for their dedication and devotion to their duties.
He also pointed out several areas, where he felt the 131 Bn BSF performed exemplarily well. In addition to this, he also highlighted the much-appreciated humanitarian assistance performed under the leadership of KS Nautiyal, Commandant on numerous occasions.
Hari Babu consolidated his appreciation of the performance of the BSF in Mizoram by handing over a Letter of Appreciation to the IGP on behalf of all the ranks of 131 Bn BSF posted in Mizoram.