In a significant breakthrough, the Crime Investigation Department's Special Branch Operations Team (CID SB) in Aizawl has seized an AK Rifle made in China, along with one magazine. The rifle and magazine were found in the illegal possession of Indu Bikas (30) s/o Bannua Moni of Silsuri, Mamit District and Lalhmangaihzuala (45) s/o Kalachan, Chawngte, Lawngtlai District.
Acting on a specific tip-off, the CID (SB) Ops Team recovered the weapon at Tanhril in Aizawl. The accused and the seized items were handed over to Vaivakawn police station. A case has been registered under sections 25(1A), 25(1AA)/29 Arms Act r/w 120B IPC for further investigation.
The seizure of the AK Rifle and magazine is a significant victory for the CID (SB) Ops Team, which has been working tirelessly to combat the illegal arms trade in the region. The team's success in seizing the weapon and arresting the two accused is a testament to their dedication and commitment to keeping the citizens safe.
The CID (SB) Ops Team has called upon the public to come forward and report any suspicious activities related to illegal arms trade. The team has assured the public that they will take swift and decisive action against anyone involved in such activities.
The seizure of the AK Rifle and magazine has once again highlighted the need for a comprehensive and coordinated effort to combat the illegal arms trade in the region.
Earlier on February 7, Troops of Assam Rifles and Mizoram police in a joint operation have arrested four people with a huge cache of rams in Aizawl.
Acting on specific information, a combined team of Assam Rifles and CID (special branch) of Mizoram police recovered arms and ammunition at Hmuifang in Aizawl district about 53 km east of Aizawl.
Four people were arrested in connection with the recovery.
The recovered arms and ammunition included two numbers of Chinese-made 22 AK Automatic Rifles, four numbers of .22 ammunition (point 22 ammunition) and two magazines.