Mizoram Chief Minister Lalduhoma and his grandchildren have departed for the highly anticipated wedding of Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant. The CM's party was whisked away in a VT VTI Learjet, showcasing the event's opulent nature.
The Ambani-Merchant union has captured global attention, with pre-wedding festivities already setting a high bar for extravagance. Recently, guests were treated to performances by international pop sensation Justin Bieber, among other A-list entertainers.
The main ceremony promises to be even more spectacular, with a guest list reading like a who's who of global celebrities. Reality TV star Kim Kardashian, rap icon Drake, and pop singer Nick Jonas are among the international stars expected to attend, rubbing shoulders with India's political and business elite.
The Chief Minister and his family are scheduled to return to Aizawl on Monday, again using the private jet.