The Mizoram government has put the deletion of names of Bru voters from the state's poll register on hold following their enrolment in Tripura's electoral rolls.
The Mizoram election department has discontinued the ongoing process of the deletion of names of Bru voters from the Tripura states poll register following the enrollment in Tripura's electroral roll.
The State joint chief electoral officer David Liansanglura Pachuau said that the process was discontinued as the intensive revision of the state voters list was underway.
Further, in the going revision of the state voters list, the draft electoral roll will be published on November 9 while the final electoral is yet to be completed by January 2023.
The Mizoram election department has so far deleted 19,92 names of Bru voters, meanwhile, the Tripura EC officials have reportedly enrolled over 5000 BRu voters' names.
Notably, the receipt of requests corresponding to the deletion through the ERONet was relatively slow.
Earlier, the Mizoram election commission urged the Tripura election department to speed up the process of enrollment of Bru voters in the electoral roll.
It is to be mentioned here that, following the racial tensions brought on after the death of a Mizo forest officer by Bru militants in 1997, thousands of Bru voters had migrated to Tripura and have been living for the last twenty years residing in transit camps.
An agreement signed by the Union government in 2022 along with representatives of several Bru organizations which allowed over 35,000 displaced Bru tribals who were reluctant to return during repatriation to resettle permanently in Tripura.
The Mizoram voter list included up to 11,759 Bru voters who had been granted permission to relocate to Tripura.