Naga Talks: SC Jamir urges Nagas to unite and support 'early peaceful solution'

Naga Talks: SC Jamir urges Nagas to unite and support 'early peaceful solution'

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India TodayNE
  • Jan 12, 2021,
  • Updated Jan 12, 2021, 12:48 AM IST

DIMAPUR: Former Nagaland Chief Minister SC Jamir has called upon all Naga people to unite and lend "every possible positive support" for an early peaceful solution to the Naga political issue as the "future destiny of the Nagas hangs in a delicate balance."

"Some people in the name of pseudo-patriotism and rootless politics are spewing out yarns of “imaginary accusations, or pointing their self-righteous fingers at others without a shred of hard evidence to produce “if dragged to the Courts of Justice on serious defamation charges," Jamir stated in an opinion piece on the Naga political movement.

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"This is not the time for Nagas – whether individuals or groups, over-ground or underground – to be barking at each other in the name of Naga nationalism, while others look upon Nagas bewildered and amused," he stated.

Maintaining that the ongoing Naga political settlement process cannot be singled out and isolated from the prevailing geo-political realities, or from the contextual realities of the larger Indian political landscape, Jamir stated, “Can the Naga political leaders take away what is not acceded to by the other negotiating party? The Government of India has recognized the uniqueness of the Naga political movement and had publicly stated its positive approach towards a final resolution of the Naga political aspirations on the basis of the mutually agreed upon ‘Framework Agreement’. Most of all, the Naga public are all yearning and longing for enduring peace and total normalcy to be restored in the land. Another golden opportunity is now at hand. Seize it in unison and let us move forward, or else the future will not forgive those responsible for letting the opportunity slip away,” he said.

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