Nagaland Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio has announced that the state government has allocated Rs 180 crore for the development of education and health sectors in underdeveloped areas of the state. The money will be utilised through the Department of Under Developed Areas (DUDA), and discussions will be held with department heads on guidelines and priorities.
Rio made the announcement during a programme to inaugurate the Zinki Bailey bridge over Zinki river in Kiphire district, which falls under eastern Nagaland, considered an underdeveloped area in the state. Completion of the bridge is expected to bring multi-faceted progress to the region. Rio also informed attendees about upcoming funding programmes that will lift the economy and per capita income of the people.
In a technical report presented at the event, Er. N Imti Chang, executive engineer, DUDA, said the bridge, measuring 14 feet in width and 160 feet in length, was completed at a cost of Rs 15 crore.
During his visit to oversee the construction of the 42 MW hydro project construction at Tizu river and inaugurate the Bailey bridge, Rio held a meeting with leaders of Pungro areas, government officers, and village heads at Pungro in the district. He requested the people to have a mindset of working together while the government works to bring development, stating that reservation in government jobs has been given to strengthen and uplift people from backward areas and calling on them to take advantage of it.
Power and Parliamentary Affairs Minister KG Kenye, who accompanied the CM, stressed the importance of education in our lives to compete with the rest of the world. He called for strict focus to be given in the field of education, and urged cooperation among the community.