The sudden spike of coronavirus cases has overloaded the respective quarantine centres in the country, leading to conflicts between the staff and the inmates. There are also reports of inmates trying to escape quarantine whilst also breaking social distancing norms. As recently, Assam's Health Minister has gone on record to say, "violators of quarantine to face non-bailable charges". There also reports of as many as 56 stranded returnees made a futile attempt to escape from a Shramik Special train by pulling its emergency chain in Hojai in Assam, around 170 km from Guwahati. In Nagaland too, stranded migrants are returning from different parts of the country.
However in Medziphema, Nagaland, things are not only in order but it's even better. Medziphema is a sub-division of Dimapur District. In the quarantine centre located in the School of Agricultural Sciences and Rural Development, (SASRD) Nagaland University in Medziphema, people are not only maintaining proper social distancing norms but have done the extra bit.
Inside Northeast, contacted Deputy Librarian Mhonbemo Ngullie, in charge of the SASRD quarantine centre who was in all praise for the inmates. "The students have followed the norms and the returnees are maintaining the instructions given", said Mhonbemo.
Also read: Nagaland: COVID-19 cases rise to 80 as state detects 22 new patients
The campus of SASRD has now been converted into 5 designated quarantine centres of which 2 are guest houses, 1 girls hostel, and 1 PG exam hall. It currently lodges around 137 returnees from various other states. The returnees are given accommodation according to the zones from where they are coming.
In this setup, the inmates lodged inside have taken to cleaning their surroundings as well as their rooms. Speaking to Inside Northeast, Rovi who is also an inmate, said, "we are doing it by ourselves and no one is asking us".
This has totally highlighted the community spirit of the state of Nagaland even in such adverse times like that of the pandemic. It also demonstrates that in Naga society there's the dignity of labour in both men and women irrespective of the nature of work.
At a time of such universal chaos, the world needs more such examples exhibited in Medziphema.
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