A video has surfaced on social media which shows members of the Nagaland police performing a drill to the retro song 'Dhal Gaya Din Ho Gayi Shaam' from the movie Humjoli
The original version goes:
“Dhal Gaya Din Ho Gayi Shaam Janey Do Jana Hain (the sun has set, dusk is here, let me go, I have to go)
Abhi Abhi Toh Aye Ho (you have just come)
Abhi Abhi Jana Hain”, (you wish to leave now)
However, the Nagaland Police have come up with a new version while performing their daily parade or drill practice. The Nagaland police version goes:
“Dhal Gaya Din Ho Gayi Shaam Janey Do Jana Hain (the sun has set, dusk is here, let me go, I have to go)
Abhi Abhi Toh Aya Hain (you have just come)
Abhi Abhi Jana Hain (you wish to leave now)
Aage Jakey Kya Karega Piche Mud..!!” (what will you do by going ahead, turn back!)
The troopers are seen performing the drill under the supervision of the commander who is seen singing the song with the new version with the twist.
The video was posted by user Shantanu Dutta on Facebook along with the caption: “Loving this Nagaland Police drill practice- Aage Jakey Kya Karega Piche Mud...!!!!”
The video has also grabbed the attention of a large number of viewers and people have been appreciating the inventiveness of the police personnel practicing with the improvised version of the song.