From Tolkien's literary world to Nagaland: Tale behind a Naga youth's hobbit home

From Tolkien's literary world to Nagaland: Tale behind a Naga youth's hobbit home

The Lord of the Rings fans in the Northeast may not have to travel too far to get a peek into Tolkien's world as an aspiring Naga Football coach has made a cozy Hobbit Home deep inside the greenery of Khonoma village.

Tale behind a Naga youth's hobbit homeTale behind a Naga youth's hobbit home
India TodayNE
  • Aug 22, 2021,
  • Updated Aug 22, 2021, 12:14 AM IST

By Chirasmrita Devi

The 'Lord of the Rings' fans in the Northeast may not have to travel too far to get a peek into Tolkien's world as an aspiring Naga Football coach has made a cozy Hobbit Home deep inside the greenery of Khonoma village.

29-year-old Asakho Chase has built a Lord of Rings-inspired Hobbit home in the heart of a forest in Khonoma village of Nagaland as a place to spend his holidays close to nature. However, the pictures of his creation went viral to such an extent that young Asakho started getting requests from fans to pay a visit to the house.

[caption id="attachment_100405" align="aligncenter" width="1080"] The Hobbit Home[/caption]

Made with timber, the house gives out the aura of Tolkein's literary world in the most enchanting way. It has an oval door painted in bright red which, along with the surrounding, appears bewitching enough to make you think that perhaps there's indeed a magical adventure waiting beyond it.

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Hobbit home creator Asakho is a physical education teacher at Charis High Academy Chümukedima in Dimapur by profession who also has a penchant for photography and videography. His appetite for the latter has aided him in documenting his process of building the viral house which is available on his Instagram handle.

[caption id="attachment_100404" align="alignright" width="1024"] Asakho at his school[/caption]

Talking to InsideNE, Asakho informed that he started working on the project in November last year.

"I had to come back to my village due to the pandemic. Taking the opportunity of this break, I started exploring my village more and it was then the idea of the Hobbit home struck me", said Asakho.

On asking about the actual inspiration for making this version of Tolkein's creation, Asakho said. "I am a man of adventure. The idea for making a Hobbit home has been drawn for my knack for traveling and adventure".

"I have my own plot in the forest so I thought why not build something like the Hobbit where I can spend my holidays".

Once the pictures of Asakho's Hobbit home went viral on social media platforms, he has been getting an array of requests from people asking about the interior of the house which has not been revealed yet.

"The interiors are in progress. It is going to be very simple. Nothing fancy", he said talking to InsideNE.

The cozy house has a kitchen and can easily accommodate a group of 5 people. Even though it is built in the midst of nature, all types of basic facilities like toilets, water, and electricity are available.

Asakho aims to keep it slow and steady when it comes to finishing this project.

"To be honest I am not in a rush to finish it. I have my friends to help me with the project but most of the time I work alone".

[caption id="attachment_100403" align="aligncenter" width="1080"] This is how the Hobbit Home looked before all the magic began[/caption]

"Anyone with an appetite for nature and adventure can visit my Hobbit home", he said welcoming visitors".

Asakho has also clarified that his intention is not money nor the house is for any commercial purpose.

"My intention is not money. I built it solely for myself. However, If anyone wants to visit the Hobbit Home, they are welcome. But it is basically made for my vacation".

Inspired by the response of the people, Asakho is now planning to build a bigger and luxurious version of the Hobbit home which will be accessible to the public.

Asakho's ultimate goal is to become an Indian football coach.

"It is my main focus and priority. Photography and videography is my passion and I do it to showcase the beauty of Northeast and my state", he said.

[caption id="attachment_100409" align="aligncenter" width="1080"] Dzuko Valley captured by Asakho Chase[/caption]

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Talking further about his interest in football, Asakho recalled that he represented the state in the national tournament when he was in 9th standard.

His interest shifted from playing football to coaching because of his age.

"I am 29 now. So. I want to be a young coach and train students. I don't want to get my certificate course online. I want the real experience. it got interrupted due to the pandemic. Hence, I am waiting to get the situation better.

There is no doubt that Asakho's Hobbit home has now become the talk of the town. Once the situation improves, Tolkein fans now know where they need to make way to.

Who knows.. you may find Gandalf behind the door!

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