The Punjab Police has suspended seven officials, including a Superintendent of Police (SP) and two Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP), due to a security lapse during Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Punjab on January 5, 2022.
The Prime Minister was en route to a rally in Ferozepur on February 5, 2022, when his convoy was obstructed by farmers for approximately 20 minutes.
The suspended officials are SP Gurvinder Singh Sanga, DSP Parson Singh, DSP Jagdish Kumar, Inspector Tejinder Singh, Balwinder Singh, Jaswant Singh, and ASI Rakesh Kumar. The suspension order, issued by the state DGP, is dated November 22.
A thorough investigation was initiated following the incident, resulting in these actions. The Punjab DGP reported that Gurvinder Singh Sanga was suspended for negligence in duty. He was the SP Operation in Ferozepur at the time and is currently posted in Bathinda.
A Supreme Court-appointed committee concluded in August that the Ferozepur SSP failed to fulfil his duty, despite adequate forces being available during the Prime Minister's visit.
The committee, led by former top court judge Justice Indu Malhotra, recommended an oversight committee for periodic revision of the 'Blue Book'.
Also read : On 15 years of 26/11 Mumbai attacks, PM Modi says 'India crushing terrorism'