Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced plans to add 75,000 new medical seats across India within the next five years. Speaking from the Red Fort on the 78th Independence Day, Modi highlighted the ongoing issue of students, particularly from middle-class families, going abroad for costly medical education due to limited opportunities at home.
Modi highlighted the government's efforts over the past decade, which have nearly doubled the number of medical seats from 51,348 to 1,07,948—a 110% increase. Further, the number of medical colleges has surged by 82%, rising from 387 in 2014 to 704 in 2023.
The Prime Minister emphasised that a "Viksit Bharat" (Developed India) should also be a "Healthy Bharat," pointing to the government's focus on improving healthcare infrastructure and nutrition across the country.
The expansion of medical education is a key component of this vision, aiming to meet the growing demand for healthcare professionals and reduce the need for students to seek education abroad.