The wedding of Anant Ambani, the youngest son of Mukesh Ambani, Asia's richest man, is set to be an extravaganza grand affair with an impressive lineup of celebrities expected to attend. The ceremony, scheduled for Friday in Mumbai, will see the presence of high-profile guests from across the globe.
Among the anticipated attendees are reality TV stars Kim and Khloe Kardashian, renowned boxer Mike Tyson, former UK prime ministers, and prominent international business tycoons. The wedding marks the culmination of four months of star-studded pre-wedding celebrations.
Anant Ambani, 29, will marry Radhika Merchant, daughter of pharmaceutical magnates Viren and Shaila Merchant. The guest list, as per sources, includes a blend of Indian and international celebrities, politicians, and corporate bigwigs, highlighting the influence and reach of the Ambani family.