Anand Mahindra has offered a new car to D Krishna Kumar from Mysuru. Kumar grabbed the attention of the country after he went on a tour of the country on his late father's scooter with his mother riding pillion.
The chairman of Mahindra group recently learned about a Karnataka resident who took his mother on an India tour on a scooter, and the has offered him a new car to continue his adventures.
Mahindra was touched by the story of D Krishna Kumar from Mysuru, who reportedly quit his job after his father’s demise to take his mother to see every corner of India on his 20-year-old Bajaj scooter.
Reportedly, Mahindra saw a video shared by a twitter user on their recent visit to
Arunachal Pradesh from their hometown. After seeing this, he said that if anyone could get him in touch with Kumar, he would like to gift them a new Mahindra KUV 100 car. He can drive his mother in a car on their next journey
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Mahindra’s announcement was praised by many in the social media. Many have shared Kumar’s number with the industrialist.
However, many users pointed out that the old scooter has emotional value for Kumar which belonged to his deceased father and he had refused to let go of it.
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