Bihar Police have initiated an investigation after the Chief Minister's Office (CMO) in Patna received a bomb threat via email. The alarming message, sent on July 16, originated from an unidentified account claiming links to Al-Qaeda and warned that the CMO premises would be destroyed, challenging the capability of Bihar's special police to prevent the attack.
In response to the threat, the police, in collaboration with the Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS), swiftly commenced a thorough investigation. This led to the filing of a First Information Report (FIR) at the Sachiwalaya police station on August 2, based on the statement provided by Station House Officer Sanjeev Kumar.
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The case has been registered under Sections 351 (4) and (3) of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita, 2023, along with Section 66 (F) of the Information Technology Act, targeting the unidentified perpetrators behind the email. Authorities continue to work diligently to trace the origin of the threat and ensure the security of the CMO premises.