Rangers at Glacier National Park have recovered the body of Siddhant Vitthal Patil, a 26-year-old Indian national who tragically drowned after falling into Avalanche Creek on July 6. Patil, a tech professional residing in California, was hiking in the park with seven friends when the incident occurred.
According to a press release from Glacier National Park officials, "After weeks of searching, rangers at Glacier National Park have recovered the body of Siddhant Vitthal Patil, who fell into Avalanche Creek on July 6, 2024, and drowned."
The statement continued, "Clothing and gear similar to what Patil was reportedly wearing at the time of the incident were also recovered. Around 10:30 AM today, a park visitor reported seeing a body in Avalanche Creek below the gorge. Rangers immediately began recovery efforts. The Flathead County Coroner is working to confirm the identity through DNA or dental records."
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Rangers believe that submerged obstacles such as fallen trees or rocks may have held the body underwater, complicating the search efforts for weeks. The water depth and whitewater conditions during the spring and summer runoff further hindered the search. Only after the water level dropped were rangers able to investigate large portions of the gorge using long poles, but the deepest and most dangerous areas remained inaccessible.
The incident occurred when Patil and his friends were hiking above a gorge on the Avalanche Lake Trail. Patil had stepped off the trail and was standing on a large rock when he fell into Avalanche Creek. It remains unclear whether he slipped on a wet portion of the rock or lost his balance. Friends and witnesses saw Patil fall into the creek, briefly resurface, and then be swept away by the current into the gorge.