Union Minister Smriti Irani on February 20 said that country should aim to bring down child marriage to zero percent. Speaking at National Consultation on Child Marriage Free India event in Delhi the Union Miniter highlighted the history of child marriage in the country and reflected on the fact that it is a crime and that everyone should take a step to stop it.
Law and civilians of the country should come along together in an effort to completely eradicate child marriages from the country, she added.
Kailash Satyarthi Children’s Foundati organised the event focussing on cild marriage and its impact in the country. Union Minister for Women and Child Development & Minority Affairs, Smriti Zubin Irani presided as the chief guest at the event along with Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi.
Discussions took place in the course of the event to eradicate child marriage which has been a part of our society for centuries. People present at the event came up with constructive steps that will help in obstructing people from getting married at an early age.
Chairperson of the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) and Chairpersons of State Commissions for Protection of Child Rights (SCPCRs) of 14 states as well as their representatives along with 100 other voluntary organizations took part in the event.
A special action plan was drafted, keeping in mind the districts with the most number of child marriages.
Child Marriage Free India Campaign was launched by Kailash Satyarthi on October 16, 2022, with an aim to eradicate child marriage in the country by 2030. This campaign has been recounted to be the world’s largest grassroots movement against child marriage. It was led by more than 75,000 grass-root women leaders across 10,000 villages.
The program was inaugurated by lighting the lamp by girls who have had a great contribution in stopping child marriages. The program concluded by bringing to light how society has been a cruel attack on human freedom, dignity, social morality, and equality.
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