A Delhi man, identified as Dinesh Madan, has been issued a fine of Rs. 23,000 for riding a scooter without wearing a helmet and also for not carrying important documents.
Madan is a resident of Geeta Colony in East Delhi. According to reports, Gurugram Police issued him a Challan for not carrying his driving licence, registration certificate of the vehicle and the pollution certificate.
The Delhi man was charged with Rs. 5,000 for riding without driving license, Rs. 5,000 for not carrying the registration certificate, Rs. 1,000 for not wearing a helmet, Rs. 10,000 for violation of air pollution standards and an additional Rs. 2,000 for not having a third party insurance.
Madan, in his defense, said that he had not violated any traffic rule and the traffic police had asked him to produce the documents within 10 minutes.
He later added that the value of his scooter was Rs. 15,000, and that he would carry his documents in the future.
The traffic rules have been made more stringent to control the common traffic violations. Under the new rules that came into effect from September 1, speeding can invite a penalty of Rs. 1,000 - Rs. 2,000. For driving without insurance, there will be a fine of Rs. 2,000 and those driving without helmets would have to pay Rs. 1,000 with an additional 3-month suspension of their licence.
According to the new law, the fine for driving without licence has been increased from Rs. 500 to Rs. 5,000.
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